Reaching My Goal!!!

With the new addition of Fit Friday on my site, I’ve announced to all of you that my first goal of exercising is to run a 5K.  Thank you to everyone who has left encouraging messages to me about reaching that goal, and I can’t believe how quickly I’ve improved in my running.  On December 15, just 1 month and 1 week ago, I struggled to run 1.25 miles in 20 minutes on an elliptical.  I wouldn’t have even accomplished that if it weren’t for Eric at Fitness 2000 in Keller (Thank you, Eric).  Today, I ran outside in some insanely crazy wind (20-25 mph and no trees around to block it), and I’m so excited to say I ran 3.13 miles (just a tad bit more than 5K) in 37 minutes!!!!

Yes, I set 5K as my goal (with a race next month), but I have to admit I couldn’t see myself getting there.  I really had to push myself.  Even today I wanted to stop around 1.25 miles, but I didn’t, and I feel such a sense of  accomplishment since I pressed on through my moment of weakness.

If I can do this, then I know without a doubt that you absolutely can reach your particular goal, too.  Determination and perseverance through those times where you want to stop are so important.  Whatever goal you have for yourself right now, whether it has anything to do with exercise or not, you can do it. Don’t give up.  Push through your weak moments, and right when you feel like you’re about to reach the edge of your comfort zone, push some more.  Bust through the boundary of your comfort zone, and the moment you break free from it you will find a new rush of adrenaline causing you to go further than you ever imagined.

Remember this is true in any aspect of your life-not just exercise.  What goals do you want to reach within your job, school, ministry, hobbies, music, sports . . . ?  Don’t give up on them.  God placed those goals on your heart for a reason, and when you reach the point where you have to rely on him in order to continue (when you can’t continue by your own strength), he’ll show you a strength and endurance you never realized you could have.

 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4

3 thoughts on “Reaching My Goal!!!

  1. This is very encouraging, Misty! I have many goals not just in exercise but all around the board, One by one, I’ll believe and stick through those “weak moments” that you mentioned. Thank you so much for this encouraging post, my friend. Take care!


    1. It reminds me so much of fasting. I don’t know if that’s something you’ve ever done or not, but if you have, you know that it’s okay for a while, but the moment comes when your flesh starts falling weak. From that point on is the reason why we fast — to fully rely on God’s strength to persevere. It’s in that very time of weakness that we grow closer to God. Push through, and you’ll reach your goals!


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